Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Alayna comes home

Because Alayna was technically a preemie and because I was strep B positive, we stayed till Tuesday evening. We were also unsure of Alayna's jaundice condition. Her bilirubin levels were just barely in the risk zone, and she hadn't poopied in almost two days. She was, however, already eating very well, so her docs agreed to discharge her on the condition that we continue to monitor her bilirubin levels daily with her pediatrician. So, we packed up to go, and as soon as she was dressed in her going-home clothes, she had an enormous poopie, and we were all very relieved. But she was still a bit jaundice looking, and we still need to have her levels checked daily.


All ready to go home:


Our welcome home (sorry about the bits of slight immodesty):


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