Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Their Easter baskets with little gifts and goodies from the Easter bunny:

This year, I started a new fun and silly tradition: planting jelly beans which will grow into lollipops overnight with the magic of  Easter. They LOVED it!

Matching Easter dresses. 
Brooklyn sure loves her little sis. 
Easter egg hunting in our own backyard. 

Hope everyone's Easter was enjoyable!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Festival 2013

A local church held an Easter Egg Drop / Festival not far from home, so of course we attended. They had helicopter rides, too... which next year we will have to be there early enough to do. Just before the egg hunt, the helicopters came and dropped a bunch of eggs. It was loud and windy, but the kiddos loved it. Afterwards, we ate lunch, danced a little, played in the many jump castles, visited the mini petting zoo, and then rode a pony. Loads of fun, even despite the short rain shower. And Alayna again enjoyed sleeping and watching momma from her stroller. :)

A little dancin'

Enjoying the bounce houses... but not enjoying the wait in line for her turn. 
Even Josh did the obstacle course bounce house... all by himself. (although it did take a while) 

The little petting zoo with Josh's favorite animal.

Oh my... it's PINK!

One of Brooklyn's favorite things to do... ride a pony! 
Surprisingly, Josh had no fear and was super excited to ride the pony... never looked back at momma. 

Got a little tired at the end and begged Daddy to carry them to the car. Luckily, Daddy is super strong. :) 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Preschool Easter Party

Today Brooklyn's preschool had their Easter egg hunt/party. Josh was invited to participate in the egg hunt, too. He was pretty excited and had lots of fun, despite having one of his croupy episodes. They both collected lots of eggs. Brooklyn was especially nice to help Josh find some eggs.

Josh counting all the eggs before the hunt.
 Egg hunting

The spoils
This is what Joshy sounded like in the morning, and he sounds much worse at night... poor baby.
He's had two episodes this year, now.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Momma's birthday present

I got the best present ever from my little Brooklyn. Not only did she give me her favorite flower clip, she drew pictures of it on a card for me.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A trip to the Columbia Zoo

We decided one weekend (for my birthday, really) to take the trip up to Columbia (about 1 hour drive) to visit their zoo. It is a fantastic zoo, and because of my membership at the Aquarium, it was cheap, too. It was one of the most beautiful days in a long time, as well. We enjoyed all the animals and even a ride or two. We even got to eat lunch overlooking some zebras and an ostrich.
 This was Joshy's first interactive zoo trip. He was only 18 months old last time we went to a zoo. He now talks about it all the time and wants to go back soon.

Feeding giraffes. 

Eating lunch overlooking one of the habitats.

The petting zoo.

This was one of their favorite animals... the giant tortoises.

Watching the giant tortoises... notice my children climbing on the rocks a little too close to the exhibit.
Brooklyn asked all day to ride the carrousel... which they got to ride at the end.
Josh loves carrousels... he cried and cried when it was over. 
After all the animal watching, we played on the playground there in the zoo for a bit... just in case they had a little bit more energy to expel. 

Both fell asleep on the way home... not surprisingly... and we will definitely be back soon.
PS. Alayna enjoyed riding in her stroller the whole time, sleeping and looking at Mommy. :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Alayna is 4 months old

Alayna had her 4 months well check today and weighed in at 13 lbs (45%), 23 1/2 inches long (42%), and her head was 39 1/2 cm around (35%). She's right where she is supposed to be (except for her small head - which makes her even cuter). And, she's actually my biggest baby. Brooklyn was always on the smaller part of the spectrum and Josh, well, he was way off till he was a year old. Alayna is right on... despite her early arrival! She is also smiling, laughing, grabbing things, sucking her thumb and eating well. She rarely poops, too. She has gone 21 days, now, without a poopie, but she is okay (according to the doctor and what I've read online). Before that she went 2 weeks without a poopie. Then before that, it was a week without. We'll see how long this lasts. For now, it just makes her that much easier to take care of. :)


Brooklyn and Josh are very proud of their little sister:

Monday, March 11, 2013


Sometimes I feel like we let Josh and Brooklyn play with the IPad or my phone or the laptop too often. Of course, if you consider the content is mostly educational, is it still called "play"? They always ask to play on them, and even prefer them to their regular toys most of the time. On rainy days, it is heaven sent to have such technology, but am I allowing them too much to the point that they are addicted??? I dunno, but they sure look cute playing on them, and they are learning so much! Of course, I can easily sway them off with outside play. They are definitely addicted to playing outside.