Friday, December 12, 2008

Crawling the wrong way.

Well, she's crawling... but the wrong way. That's right; she crawls - on her hands and knees - backwards. She's happy and excited that she's finally mobile and can go places now. But, unfortunately, she can't see where she's going, so she usually ends up running into a wall or under the couch!

But obviously she doesn't care. She's mobile!!


The Ollila's said...

That is so hilarious!!! She looks so happy underneath the couch. She is just too precious.

The Memea family said...

HAHAHAHA! That is so cute!

Kristen said...

Ha ha! That is really funny and cute!

Don and Judy said...

Nevertheless, she looks very pleased and happy with herself! I can see that she is very creative, and also, an out of the box thinker. It is easy to see what is ahead, but it is what lies behind that is so mysterious. You never know what you might bump into...We love that bright happy face.

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

so funny! i heard ethan crying and walked in on him backed up into the crib! i gues i have a backwards crawler too...about the 26th, i wish i could go and I will try but Jon's business will be SO BUSY after Christmas, might need to stand in and help.but i will see you guys for sure.

Unknown said...

what a happy girl! way to go B, you're mobile!

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

pretty sure the 23rd will be busy too, but i will try. Thats better because now fabian can bring his family.