Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Baby Update...

Went to doctor again yesterday and am dilated to 3 - 3 1/2. Not much of a progression there, but I am 75% effaced now. At least I am progressing. This past week, I also developed PUPs (a rash in reaction to the pregnancy and the stretching) all over my belly and back. It has been pretty uncomfortable. Even the doctors felt sorry for me and wanted to help move things along, so they stripped my membranes in hope that labor will start sooner than later. I would definitely welcome sooner than later, as I am pretty dang miserable now.


The Ollila's said...

I am sorry you are so miserable. For your sake I hope you have that baby really soon. I can't believe the time has really come for Brooklyn to join our family, SO EXCITING!!!!!

suzy said...

oh the joys of pregnancy! you're almost there... it's totally worth it... soon, and i know this is hard to believe, you won't even remember all the miserableness! good luck with everything... i hope you have an easy delivery - sounds like things are moving along and that's good! can't wait to see pictures (of the baby, not the delivery :-)

Don and Judy said...

I know you and Matt are on needles and pins! We are praying for thoes puppies to dry up and go away!! We hope you are getting some rest with all the itching. Time seems so slow when you are watching the clock. May will soon be here and it will all be over, leaving only a bundle of joy behind. Good Luck!