We officially began potty training Brooklyn almost 2 weeks ago. I had tried to start training her several times, and she has shown disinerest every time... till now. What's her motivation? ...

It started when I saw her hiding behind the couch, fixin to do you know what, when I asked her, "do you need to go poopie? Let's go do it on the toilet!" She, as always, says, "no, I just want to go poopie in my diaper." After going through the long list of bribes/awards, again, as compensation for finally pooping in the toilet, I finally took my sister's advice and said, "If you go poopie on toilet right now, we'll go to Chuck E Cheese today." It took about 2 seconds of thought and then her eyes popped wide and she said, "I want to go poopie on the toilet!" From that moment on, she has been practically potty trained (even at night), with just a few accidents. Of course, filling her Potty Power chart with stickers so we can go back to Chuck E Cheese helps keep her potty trained. We've been back two more times since then. :) We are SO proud of our little big girl.
Her favorite ride, and the first thing we do each time we have been there.
Another one of her favorite things to do there.
It seems Brooklyn has been having all the fun.
Or has she???? :)