There is too much to tell, so I will just have to summup through pictures and brief descriptions. So, where do I begin??? How about the beginning...
First, there was the plane ride, which went pretty well considering it was a 4 hour flight on a very small plane with a 15 month old during her most active time of day.

Then it was on to Melissa's pool... I mean house... where we stayed for a couple of nights, cooked some food, ate some food, and swam with a bunch of nutty cousins. :P

Then it was off to Alicia's house where we stayed the night before leaving to Oklahoma in the morning for the reunion. There was a smorgasbord of toys to Brooklyn's delight, and of course there was bathtime with Ian, which went well till the end.

Then we were off to the reunion with Alicia, Patrick, Ian and Samantha (thanks Jonathan for giving up your seat). And what a wonderfully fantastic reunion it was!! There was family everywhere and we were more than excited to see them all, introduce Brooklyn to everyone, play with Ava, dance to some bluegrass and celebrate Grandpa's birthday! We had such a blast and can't wait to see everyone again.
After a funfilled trip to Oklahoma, and one more night at the Ollila Hotel, we settled into Grandma and Grandpa Fisher's house for the rest of our stay in Texas, where we played with more cousins, met little Cannon-ball for the first time, and Brooklyn got to use the highchair that I used as a baby (pretty cool, huh!).
On one night, we had everyone (Michelle and her family and Cass and her family) over to spend the night and after the kiddos went to sleep, we had GAME NIGHT!!! ...which, of course, had to include the game night snacks. And guess who won??? ;)
Then we visited the Fort Worth Zoo, which was a big "To Do" on our list as we do not live close to a zoo back home. Brooklyn enjoyed seeing the elephants, the flamingos, the penguins and the monkeys, but her favorite was feeding the parakeets in the "bird house" (which I will post a video of later). It was especially fun going with all the cousins, too.
During our stay in Irving, we also visited a small water park called Cimmaron, and since Brooklyn couldn't get enough of it the first time we went a second time.
Then we had one more get-together at Alicia's house, where Brooklyn learned to climb up on things.
Then, it was time to say good-bye.
Thank you Melissa for letting us stay at your place and thanks to Madison and Emma for letting us have your room. And, thank you Alicia for letting us crash at your place, driving us to the reunion, driving us to and from the airport, to and from Melissa's house and to my parents house.
And thank you Mom and Dad for letting us stay with you at your house when I know you should have been packing like crazy for your big move to Miami in a few weeks.
We had such a blast with everyone and already miss everyone so much.
We love all of ya'll!