Isn't she just the most adorable little butterfly??!
Pictures and stories of Matt, Vanessa, Brooklyn and Joshua... well, mostly Brooklyn and Joshua.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Can you believe it??? 6 Months Old!
She was still too small for the baby swings, so we swang on the tire swing together.
Here are her monthly bathtime photo-ops. See how she barely fits in the bathtub now! In that last picture, right before her bath, she is actually in the action of peeing on me. Sufficed to say, Daddy ended up giving her the bath that night.
We also spent some time in our backyard this week enjoying the cooler but sunny weather. She got to experience grass for her first time and absolutely loved it! She didn't try to eat it, she just liked the noise it made when she grabbed it.
She's also learned to be loud like her momma. She yells for us when she wants our attention - usually when she's ready to get out of bed. She's also sqeaking. Yes, squeaking. It's rather adorable. I don't even care that it is really loud and you can hear her outside - as my neighbor pointed out one day.
She has also become an excellent eater! We started solids exactly 1 month ago and she is already and expert!
Brooklyn loves sitting up, but she's not yet strong enough to do it by herself. So, we have been doing some exercises like this to help her strengthen her muscles. She's gettin really strong!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tagged - 8's
8 favorite tv shows:
1. Lost... along with everyone else, right?
2. Heroes (but since I've missed one episode, I have to catch up on the internet now. We'll see if I still love it)
3. The Office
4. Southpark
5. Star Trek Voyager (guilty pleasure)
6. Angel (another guilty pleasure)
7. PTI (Pardon the Interruption)... thanks to Matt.
8. Scrubs
8 Favorite restaurants:
1. Cheesecake Factory (not here in Charleston, though)
2. PF Chang's (also not here in Charleston)
3. Smokey Bones (love love love their pulled pork!)
4. Magnolias (went there for our Anniversary last year and have wanted to go back since)
5. Zaxby's
6. On the Border
7. Sticky Fingers
8. McCalister's Deli
8 Things That Happened yesterday: (except I don't really remember yesterday, so I will post things that happened today instead)
1. Turned on the fire in the fireplace for the first time this season. But only for an hour.
2. Watched Wiggles with Brooklyn... surprisingly entertaining.
3. Made oatmeal with Bananas for me and for Brooklyn and ate together.
4. Took a nap when Brooklyn did (she woke up 4 times last night)
5. Took a shower during her 2nd nap... finally - it had been a few days. :/
6. Fed Brooklyn lunch and forgot to feed myself.
7. Finished getting ready to got out while during Brooklyn's 3rd nap
8. Went to Tanger Outlet Mall and bought Brooklyn a Halloween costume (will post pics soon) and some snuggly warm PJs and ate dinner there with Matt... like a date!
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. Having Matt home on the weekends now!!!
2. Brooklyn's six month well-baby check up (minus the shots she will have to get, though)
3. Dressing Brooklyn up in her butterfly costume.
4. Passing out candy for our first Halloween in a REAL neighborhood!
5. My doctor's appointment. I am hoping that it will be the last for a long time.
6. Thanksgiving in Alabama!
7. Christmas in TEXAS!
8. Having four new neices and nephews next Spring!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fun pictures of Brooklyn
This is her NEW toy! She already loves it! She doesn't quite know how to jump on her own yet, but she likes to bounce with our help. And she loves all the "bells and whistles".
She is already a really good eater. She started solids about a month ago and has now moved on to vegetables in addition to cereal... and she LOVES it! She eats cereal for lunch and then another bowl of cereal plus some vegetables for dinner.
She already demands to hold the remote... our little couch potato. Her favorite shows are the morning cartoons on HBO.
It was a little chilly one morning, so I dressed her in this adorably, snuggly, velvet outfit and couldn't stop taking pictures. She liked it, too.
She is so much fun!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Falling Asleep
We are glad that she can do this, but we already miss having her fall asleep in our arms every night. :(
Friday, October 10, 2008
New Growth
My hair has finally started coming in again, after falling out like crazy these last 5 months. I really thought I was never going to have my thick hair again. I am so proud of my little baby hairs that I had to take a picture. Stupid, I know. But all you mothers who have breastfed their babies know exactly what I am talking about here. And in case you don't - it is common for breastfeeding mothers to loose a great deal of hair due to hormones, etc.
Also, I bought some flowers a while ago for my front yard and am surprised that they are still blooming like this and at how big the blossoms are. I left them in their pots instead of planting them because I am still trying to decide what I want (i.e. what kind of plants/flowers, colors, where to put them, etc.). Hopefully I will have decided what I want by the Spring. But for now, I am just enjoying having a little color in my yard.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Rolly Pollie

Brooklyn is now rolling over to her tummy ALL the time. She did it by herself for the first time about 2-3 weeks ago, but we hadn't actually seen her do it till recently. We would look away for a split second and, bada bing bada boom, she was all of the sudden on her tummy! It's like she was trying to avoid being caught in the act of rolling over or something. Now that she does it all the time, I was able to catch it on video.
Now, she even rolls over onto her tummy in her sleep. She started crying (more like screaming) in the middle of the night two nights ago and there she was on her tummy and apparently very upset about it. I rolled her back over and she went right to sleep again. What a good baby she is.
Sorry about the sqeaking. I was pretty excited to catch it on video. :)